
Connecting with Emigrants, A Global Profile of Diasporas

This publication gathers a broad range of statistical information on migrant populations and their children worldwide by origin country which can be of use for policy makers to tail policies to the population groups in question. The various data sources on which this publication is based are compiled from many different OECD databases as well as from other non-OECD sources.

This publication contains 140 country notes summarising diaspora sizes, including the number of children of migrants born in the destination countries; the characteristics of emigrant populations (gender, age, education, labour market outcomes); the numbers and main destinations of international students; recent migrant flows to OECD countries; and information on the desire to emigrate among different population groups.
ISBN: 9789264177932
Date of publication: 5 October 2012
403 pages
This publication is the result of a joint effort by the OECD and the Research Department of the Agence Française de Développement.

Harnessing the skills of migrants and diasporas to foster development

Building on the joint OECD/AFD study on "Connecting with emigrants : a global profile of diasporas" the purpose of this publication is to propose ways of thinking about new public policies that could better harness the skills of diasporas to foster development in the countries of origin. These options revolve around a central objective, seeking to better identify needs and the supply of skills so that public policy actions in countries of origin and destination can be targeted more effectively, and three main axes, consisting in (i) improving access to information; (ii) supporting initiatives by diaspora members; and (iii) increasing the involvement of local authorities and employers.
Date of publication: 5 October 2012
32 pages
This study was prepared by the OECD in co-operation with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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