In October 2014, the EU Alliance for Investing in Children,
which brings together 24 European networks sharing a commitment to end child
poverty and to promote children’s rights and child well-being, responded to the
public consultation on the Europe 2020 Strategy. In its response, the EU
Alliance argued that the Europe 2020 strategy is potentially the main tool to
realise the European
Commission Recommendation
Investing in Children – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage(ii). The Recommendation is a commitment endorsed by
Member States calling for concerted efforts to end child poverty and promote
child well-being across Europe.
Following the publication of the new Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines COM
(2015) 98 & 99 on 2
March 2015, we want to highlight our concern and reiterate our messages.
Specific child poverty
European and national (sub-) targets should be set for the reduction of child
poverty and social exclusion, specifically as part of the Europe 2020 target on
poverty reduction.
Recent reports show that children and young people are the most at risk of
poverty in the European Union(iii) . Not only have poverty levels increased in the past
years, but inequality gaps in Europe have widened. It is particularly worrying
that besides the factor of employability, children and young people are no
longer recognised as a policy and investment priority.
Comprehensive frameworks
for inclusive growth
Investing in children needs to be comprehensively addressed across sectors
(employment, financial, social services, education, health, housing and
fundamental rights, etc). Only then will interventions and investments lead to
a sustainable and inclusive exit from the crisis and prevent youth unemployment.
The Integrated Guidelines are shifting Europe 2020 away from being a strategy
for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, to - in line with the Investment
Plan(iv) - one for “jobs, growth and investment”. Both Europe
2020 and the Investing in Children Recommendation are comprehensive frameworks
owned by the EU, but some key elements have been completely neglected in the
new Integrated Guidelines, such as social protection and prevention to break
the cycle of disadvantage.
Guidelines for stakeholder
The European Commission should develop, as it had committed, a set of
guidelines for the engagement of stakeholders in Europe 2020, under the new
The summarised result of the public consultation(v) acknowledged that ownership of
the Europe 2020 strategy was limited and stakeholder involvement lacking. The
role of civil society, including children’s rights organisations, in ensuring
EU policy coherence remains to be recognised in practice.
We are struck by the narrow vision of the Integrated Guidelines and its
transformation of the strategy into a soft-spoken echo of the Investment Plan.
Such an approach ignores the need for social investment and complementarity
between structural reforms. It is short-sighted and ill-fated.
(i) The EU Alliance for
Investing in Children is a temporary initiative supported in 2014 by the
European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS / EU
Programme for Employment and Social Innovation. It brings together 24 European
networks sharing a commitment to end child poverty and to promote child
well-being across Europe. The EU Alliance for Investing in Children plans to
continue as an informal cooperation.
Partners of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children
• Alliance for Childhood
• ATD Quart Monde
• Caritas - Europa
• COFACE – Confederation of Family
Organisations in the European Union
• Don Bosco International
• Dynamo International – Street
Workers Network
• EAPN – European Anti-Poverty
• EASPD – European Association of
Service providers for Persons with Disabilities
• ECSA - European Child Safety
• ELIANT Network
• ENSA – European Network of Social
• EPA - The European Parents
• EPHA - European Public
Health Alliance
• ESN – European Social Network
• Eurochild
• Eurodiaconia
• EuroHealthNet
• FEANTSA – European Federation of
National Organisations working with the Homeless
• ISSA - The Intenational Step by
Step Association
• Mental Health Europe
• PICUM – Platform for International
Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
• Save the Children EU Office
• SOS Children’s Villages
• UNICEF EU Office
Commission Recommendation of 20 February 2013 Investing in Children: Breaking the
Cycle of Disadvantage (2013/112/EU)
(iii) Smarter,
greener, more inclusive? Indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy,
Eurostat, 2015
(iv) Communication from the Commission on an Investment
Plan for Europe 26 November 2014, COM(2014) 903
(v) Communication from the Commission on Results of
the public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth COM(2015) 100
See the response of the EU Alliance to the European
Commission’s questionnaire on Europe 2020 here.
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