On behalf of EPA, board member Josep-Manuel Prats has attended a conference in Barcelona on 9/10 October, held by Euralva and some local Associations of listeners and viewers. The topic of the conference was Media Convergence, and it took a view of the European regulations, technical solutions and education. The general contents of the conference in Barcelona was not especially focused on parental education and training to face the challenges properly, but on regulatory and technical solutions. We think that this is good, but not enough.
EPA took this opportunity to raise their voice to say clearly that parents needs training and education. We are the primary educators of our children and, respecting the fundamental rights of the children, this is our job with the help and support of governments, public and private institucions and companies.
In addition, we have to recall and refer to the EPA position paper on cyberbullying and social networks. (http://euparents.eu/News_ list/Position_Paper_on_ Cyberbullying_and_Social_ Networks)
On the positive side of the conference, it is noteworthy that during one of the Friday morning sessions the speakers showed some resources for media literacy (in the broad sense of the convergence of screens) and the protection of minors to facilitate them appropriate tools and to use efficiently media.
Asturias, Catalonia and other autonomous communities in Spain have training programs for Parents' Associations to support them as primary players in the education of their children in these areas. Also there are some programs for grandparents, who often are responsible for their grandchildren for long periods .
(Euralva is the European Alliance of Listeners’ and Viewers’ Associations, and is an independent alliance of national associations, representing the interest of listeners and viewers of broadcasting and new media services, which can be received in member states of the Council of Europe.)
Read more about the conference here
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