The Council adopted the following conclusions:
Articles 165 and 166 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union;
The Europe 2020 strategy, and in particular the 2012 Annual
Growth Survey and the 2012 countryspecific recommendations;
The Council conclusions of 12 May 2009 establishing a
strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training for the
period up to 2020 ("ET2020"), the primary goal of which is to support
the further development of education and training systems in the Member States which
are aimed at ensuring the personal, social and professional fulfillment of all
citizens, as well as sustainable economic prosperity and employability, whilst
promoting democratic values, social cohesion, active citizenship, and
intercultural dialogue;
The Council conclusions of 14 February 2011 on the role of
education and training in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy
The February 2012 Joint Report of the Council and the
Commission on the implementation of the strategic framework for European
cooperation in the field of education and training , which set out steps to
strengthen "ET2020" governance and to mobilise the "ET2020"
process in support of the Europe 2020 objectives on growth and jobs.
1. The debate on education and Europe 2020 held during the
informal meeting of education ministers in Nicosia on 4-5 October 2012.
2. The pilot peer review of education and training policy
responses organised on 17 September 2012, which focused on higher education and
vocational education and training as two of the key areas whose importance was
emphasised during the 2012 European Semester.
3. The public debate on the education and training issues
raised in the course of the 2012 European Semester, which was held during the
European Education, Training and Youth Forum on 18-19 October 2012.
4. The efforts to improve empirical evidence and analytical
capacity through the Education and Training Monitor.
5. The organisation of a joint thematic review between the
Education Committee and the Employment Committee on 18 April 2012.
The key role played by education and training in the Europe
2020 strategy, while underlining the competence of the Member States to develop
and implement reforms in the field of education and training.
1. In the field of education and training, the
country-specific recommendations issued by the Council on 10 July 2012 focus
specifically on promoting access to good-quality pre-school and school
education; reducing the number of early school leavers; facilitating the
transition of young people from education and training to the labour market;
improving educational outcomes and the relevance of skills to labour market
needs; reinforcing vocational education and training, with a focus on
work-based training and apprenticeships; modernising higher education with an
emphasis on reducing drop-out rates; and improving access to education for disadvantaged
2. Encouraging, but uneven, progress was made between 2010
and 2011 towards the EU headline target of tertiary or equivalent attainment
and early school leaving, and that continued efforts are indispensable in order
for this target to be met by 2020, allowing for the fact that reforms in
education and training often need time to work through.
1. Even at a time of scarce financial resources, efficient
and adequate investment in growthfriendly areas such as education and training
is a key component of economic development and competitiveness, which in turn
are essential for job creation.
2. Efficient investment in education and training can be
even more important during periods of economic difficulty and at a time of high
youth unemployment. Once the crisis is over, an increased supply of high
quality graduates from both higher education and vocational education and
training (VET) can substantially boost growth prospects, foster innovation and help
avert a future crisis.
3. Competence and skills levels of both young people and
adults in many areas need to be continuously and thoroughly adapted to the
changing needs of the economy and the labour market. The employability of
people should therefore be promoted both in education and training systems and
at the workplace, as a joint public and private sector responsibility in the context
of lifelong learning.
4. It is crucial to the attainment of the Europe 2020
objectives to prepare European citizens to be motivated and self-sustained
learners able to contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth and social
cohesion over a long period.
5. Education and training systems should aim to facilitate
the transition from education to work, to strike an appropriate balance between
theory and practice and, where relevant, to strengthen links between education
and training and the labour market. Learning should better reflect new
realities and, where appropriate, include elements of practical training which
can contribute to improving the employability of students and other learners.
6. The education and training sector, including at
ministerial level, should play a more prominent role both in defining common
approaches and objectives relating to education and training, as well as in
implementing the education and training aspects of the European Semester of
Europe 2020:
a. by holding debates in the Council on European
Semester-related issues;
b. by promoting cooperation between the Education Committee
and the Employment Committee and other relevant committees.
1. Develop and implement, in accordance with national and
regional priorities and needs, reforms aimed at tackling the challenges
addressed in the country-specific recommendations in the field of education and
2. Target efficient investment in education and training as
part of the broader strategy for economic recovery, growth and jobs, including
through EU programmes and the European Structural Funds.
3. Make efforts, together with the relevant stakeholders, to
improve the recruitment, professional development and overall status of school
teachers, school leaders and teacher trainers, so as to increase the quality of
teaching and of the learning environment, as well as to enhance the attractiveness
of these professions.
4. Include more work-based elements in education and
training programmes, particularly in the field of VET, including by means of
traineeships and apprenticeships; set up structures of cooperation between VET
institutions, enterprises, social partners and local and regional authorities;
and increase the attractiveness of the VET sector, including by diversifying options
within VET and providing more guidance during lower secondary education.
5. Promote flexible pathways between VET and higher
education in the context of national qualifications frameworks.
6. Widen participation in higher education and VET, for
instance by targeting measures towards under-represented groups, by introducing
flexible learning modes and by developing, where not yet in place,
professionally or vocationally oriented higher education as complementary to university
7. Provide better targeted student support and guidance,
with a view to helping students to complete a higher education degree in the time
8. Link education and training priorities defined within the
Europe 2020 Strategy and the "ET2020" framework to expenditure from
the European Structural Funds under the current and future Multiannual
Financial Framework.
1. Evaluate the recent pilot peer review exercise and
present, on this basis, proposals for a discussion on possible future
peer-learning events and peer reviews linked to the Europe 2020 objectives.
2. Present to the Council a draft "ET2020" work
programme, with a view to ensuring the implementation of the priority areas for
the second "ET2020" work-cycle 2012-2014 and of the country-specific
recommendations, where relevant. The work programme should specify for each
priority area the planned action, timing and involvement of OMC working
1. Ensure - without prejudice to the negotiations on the
Multiannual Financial Framework - that the reform needs highlighted in the
country-specific recommendations are taken into account in the choice of
investment priorities and interventions programmed under the future Common
Strategic Framework of the European Structural Funds.
2. Better coordinate the work of Eurydice and other relevant
networks, such as Cedefop's ReferNet, with a view to analysis of Member States'
education and training systems and of the reforms being carried out within the
Europe 2020 process."
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