Professor Ramon Flecha (CREA, University of Barcelona) gave
a Quality of Childhood talk on 8 November in the European Parliament on
scientifically evidenced methods to empower parents to become more successful
educators. This was a major event for EPA to raise awareness of the importance
of empowering parents, and also to raise awareness about EPA among MEPs. The
event was hosted by MEP István Újhelyi (S&D, Hungary, member of the Lifelong Learning Interest Group of the EP). It was the 61st
talk, the first ever to be co-hosted by EPA, and has been for 2 years in the
Our host MEP Újhelyi called the attention of the audience,
including professionals as well as people from the EP, to the importance of investing in children and
empowering parents as part of this investment. To invest in an equitable way
can not only decrease child poverty at present, but also help preventing the
recreation of poverty of forthcoming generations.