EPA kicked off 2018: the Year of Equitable Access to Education with a high-level event organised in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the eve of the 1st European Education Summit on 24 January. The event was hosted by Pavel Trantina, President of the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (EESC SOC) and attended by Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, MEP István Újhelyi (S&D) and EESC member Renate Heinisch.
Ever since
the Lisbon goals were set in 2000, the European Union has struggled to find a
way to become the world’s knowledge leader again. Recent debates following the
2015 PISA result and action planned subsequently are about adequate reforms of
school systems to offer today’s children what they really need for a bright
future. The planned Pillar of Social Rights as well as plans for the social
dimension of the EMU contain education as a lifelong process and emphasise the
importance of learning in early childhood. At the same time preventing early
school leaving is one of the EU2020 headline targets, and the recent EC policy
messages on tackling the issue emphasise the importance of enjoying, taking
ownership of learning – playfulness is a successful tool for. For a happy and
healthy childhood, it is necessary to provide for the basic right to play, but
at the same time it is not only a basic right for children, but as research
shows also essential for a heathy psyche at all ages. Research shows that the
two, play and learning are the best combination for the kind of learning
necessary in the 21st century, at a time when we are educating
children for a future of jobs non-existent today. For this reason probably the
most important competences to foster are learning and creativity. It is
becoming clear that we must educate lifelong learners, and as people usually
like doing things they enjoy, playfulness is an important element.
Trantina highlighted in his introduction that the aim of education should be to
offer a promising future in Europe. According to him the event is very timely
before the Summit as it is high time to start not to talk about education, even
less about teaching, but rather to put learning in our focus. Learning should
be supported lifelong and life-wide, in formal, non-formal and informal
settings, focusing on supporting the development of soft skills. He linked this
and EPA’s initiative to national validation strategies due next year. Mr. Trantina
also offered his commitment to playful learning related to his background in scouting
based on the principle of game with a purpose and being aware of the skills and
competences developed by that as an underlying element.
Navracsics welcomed the idea of such an event by saying that most discussions on
education are about outcomes and it is rarely discussed how they are achieved.
He identified playful learning as a way of not only skills development and
acquiring knowledge, but also as a foundation of social engagement and thus
active citizenship. He highlighted some important elements of play for
learning: the opportunity to create, discussion, communication, unrestricted
imagination and safely stepping into a fictional world, social and emotional
power, free choice, building on internal motivation and a different learner-educator
relationship. He highlighted the European Commission’s commitment to these
learning principles and the need to support formal education to embrace it as
well as their responsibility for supporting the creation of suitable social and
physical spaces. He also underlined the need to introduce new ways off
evaluation to support this. He also highlighted the importance of empowering
parents and mutual learning. He finished his contribution by quoting Confucius ‘learning
without thinking is useless; thinking without learning is dangerous’ and added
that it is up to us to make sure play is part of this equation.
MEP István
Újhelyi, father of 5 children of different ages underlined his commitment to
the right to the right education. He expressed his wish that all children will
have the opportunity to be educated as it best suits them to maintain their
curiosity and wish to learn. He welcomed the EC’s initiative to establish a
European Education Area highlighting the fact that Europe cannot afford
national schools systems that provide a much lower quality education than
others. When talking about the timely revision of the key competences
framework, he asked the Commissioner to make sure transversal skills will get
an equal focus to the digital and entrepreneurial competences emphasised in the
new education package. Being the Ambassador of circus he highlighted the importance
of joy for mental health.

Wieder, Manager of Playfutures, an initiative by LEGO Foundation presented some
casestudies to inspire participants as well as the structure, activities and goalsof Playfutures. She started her presentation with a hands-on activity
inviting everybody to build their LEGO duck and introducing the multitude of
learning opportunities of such a simple action. A holistic lifelong learning
approach was the heart of her presentation, highlighting the importance of a good
start in early years, the need to cater for learner diversity and linked it to
the current and future needs of labour markets that are not catered for
properly by contemporary traditional formal education. She invited policy
makers, stakeholder representatives and practitioners present and represented
by those attending the event to join the Playfutures community and be part of shaping
the present and future of learning and education.
Two inspiring practices were presented afterwards:
(HospiEdu), a Hungarian start-up initiative that offers playful learning
opportunities to hospitalised children, but also children and young people
prevented from regularly attending school for other reasons, and
Together Young and Old, the winner of the Lifelong Learning Award 2016, an
intergenerational learning initiative bringing children under 8 and older
people together in various settings for fun learning and developing
interpersonal relationships.
Renate Heinisch, a long-time advocate of parental
engagement and the importance of grandparents greeted the initiative and
congratulated on the achievements of all practices presented.
Pavel Trantina also highlighted an inspiring practice
known to him, Hopscotch,
an Czech-developed application for parents to support them to play with their
children in a conscious way to develop skills.
A question from the audience, from a
representative of the LEGO Group set us the most important task: how to
influence national level given the commitment of Eu institutions. This is what
EPA will try to do during the Year of Equitable Access to Education and will
keep the readers of this blog informed.
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