In the official call the EC is inviting "young people, students, teachers, youth workers,
athletes, staff, employers, civil society and social partner organisations and
other interested parties" to submit their contributions on the
impact and the future of programmes by 31 May 2017 through a questionnaire available
in all EU official languages.
The mid-term evaluation will thereafter build on the
results of this consultation together with other material including surveys of
participants, case studies, interviews, social media analysis and other.
This is an opportunity to share the experiences parents and parents' organisations have been sharing with EPA on them being excluded as a result of not being considered educators. It is also an opportunity to discuss how parents see the impact of exchange programmes and how they could be improved. In view of current developments in the world and Europe, it is also a question if the programme has been flexible enough to address new challenges in new calls, if grants awarded are flexible enough to respond to recent developments.
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