On 26-28th
August we had the opportunity to escape the extreme heat of most of Europe and
go to sunny but cool Northern Norway for the 10th ERNAPE Conference
on schools, parents and communities. ERNAPE, the European Research Network
about Parents in Education despite its name gathers education researchers from not
only Europe, but also the USA, Canada and the Far East. EPA has been associated
with ERNAPE ever since its establishment and we always are represented at their
bi-annual conferences. This time EPA had the opportunity to also present research
results, the preliminary outcomes of our Europe-wide survey on parental involvement
that will be presented in full at the EPA
30 Jubilee Conference in November. Besides the interesting presentations with
special focus on innovation, the most important development since 2 years ago
was the highlighted issue of child participation and child agency alongside
parental involvement.
You can
find detailed information on the conference and also the abstracts of all
presentations on the conference
website. From an EPA perspective it was relatively strange that a large
majority of presenters were indicating that schools aiming at reaching the
unique potential of each child with a necessary individual approach have a disadvantageous
approach, and as opposed to European policies encouraging this, although
acknowledging that is was an approach requiring more funding and more teacher training,
they were actually blaming states for dismantling the generalised approach as a
result of neo-liberal policy instead of the welfare state approach. It was a
strange development especially since the previous ERNAPE event 2 years ago was dealing
with equitable and thus necessarily individualised education.
Mette With
Hagensen, the president of our Danish member, SoF shares her notes on some
speakers here:

and policy makers have raised their expectations of parents to deliver school
ready children primed to perform at school, and they expect parents to provide
tutoring and after school classes for their children in order for students to
perform in national tests and exams.
parents responsible is becoming the norm in many societies placing high
pressure on parents with limited economic resources to provide for the
extracurricular activities for their children creating an even bigger gap
between lower and higher middle class.
Middle class
parents have been seen as the catalyst for raising school quality due to their
active participation in their child’s education and the social life of the school,
while today they are now focusing more on their own child, leaving less
resourceful families to take over responsibility of activities at school.
The big
question is if schools are just adopting middle class values and norms and not
seeing and encouraging families with different values and norms to take part in
the social life at school activities. The challenge is to create parent
involvement in the light of a multicultural society.
Karen Ida (Dannesbo,
Århus Universitet, DK) gave a talk
from a children’s perspective on the blurring boundaries between school and
homes, and the difficulty of drawing a line between the responsibility of the
school and the parents.
It is
important for children that their parents know them both as a child and as a
student, and be able to have a dialogue with the school on behalf of their
child. Children want adults to take them seriously no matter what issue they
bring up. Adults should do something about the issue and not just tell the
children “Well, this will change in time”
The biggest
issue for children is embarrassing parents. Many parents are embarrassing in
the eyes of the child even when parents do ordinary things like talking to the
teacher if they meet in the supermarket.
perspective of being a good school parent is very different from the parent and
the school perspective on being a good school parent. Children like to be in
charge and not have helicopter-parents.
Se more of
Karen Ida Dannesboe’s published work http://pure.au.dk/portal/da/persons/karen-ida-dannesboe(39cf9b05-d948-4f6e-92ef-0d90311580dc)/publications.html
Jonsdottir from Iceland talked about teenagers’ opinion on parental involvement
in compulsory schools in Iceland. “Schools
talk about home-school cooperation, but in reality it is not cooperation it is
communication!” A provocative start of the presentation, and a statement worth
remembering in the work with school-home cooperation.
teenagers parents are still important, and the teenagers like parents to be
accessible without parents interfering with the teenagers’ school life. It is a
difficult task for parents to figure out the balance of being accessible
without interfering, and to take action in the right way at the right time.
like parents to participate in school activities with an academic focus and
leave the social activities at school to the students.
Medvedev and Eric Vaccaro from Germany gave a talk on schools, education
ministries and out-of-school organizations as enemies, rivals or partners. In Hamburg a school development
program was launched in 2013 in order to change the impact of social background
on the education success of students. School mentors are part of the
development program. The aim is to train students, parents and others to be
mentors of students. The project is co-funded by the city of Hamburg and the
European Social Fund (ESF). Follow the project on http://www.hamburg.de/schulmentoren/
Yulianti from Indonesia gave a presentation on the new curriculum’s
implementation in Indonesia based on a study in two primary schools. A new
curriculum was introduced in primary and secondary schools in 2013. The
curriculum has been met with a lot of criticism for the content and the
implementation, especially from teachers. The study shows that successful
implantation demands good school leadership, teacher training and cooperation
with parents.
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