ICOT is the biggest event on thinking in the
world. This year marked the 17th edition and aimed to be a space
to raise and discuss ideas and experiences on concepts such as creativity,
intelligence, thinking, curiosity, complexity, problem-based learning (PBL), thinking-based learning (TBL), education, networking,
learning, leadership, evaluation, measuring sustainability, change and innovation.
The thinking conferences focus on
new ways of thinking in the following major conference strands:
- Arts
- Business
- Culture
- Education
- Health
- Politics
- Average and
- Sports.

In Bilbao we learned a lot, we
heard impressive success stories in education, business, leadership and
innovation. Among other many ideas, here are some of the best I have heard in the field of education:
- You have to know and love the
students to educate them with demand,
- The teacher must be an example
of life for students to convey enthusiasm for thinking and learning,
- Parents should be involved in
the educational process together with the school as the first educators,
- Parents need continuing
education to better educate,
- Need a digital ethics is not
different from the non-digital.

We also had the opportunity to greet
Professor Bengt Lennartsson, University of Linköping, Sweden, whom we met at the TA Teachers conference held in Riga in September 2014, and already then
encouraged us to attend this event. We are especially grateful.
The organisation was impressive. More than 2,000 attendees from 43 countries, 90 speakers, 282
sessions, more than 200 student volunteers from schools in COAS, the main organiser of the event,
educational organisation that groups 9 schools (four of which are among 100
best in Spain) and FAPAE, EPA member from Basque country (It had been FAPAE president, Victor Petuya who made it possible for EPA to become a partner in ICOT). They have been primarily responsible for
organising this event in Europe, and it is fair to praise the extraordinary
organisation and human quality that have tried them all. Anecdotally it should
be noted that the staff of the Palace of Congresses and ancillary services have
praised all the participants and stressed that they had never encountered so
polite, disciplined and good humoured attendants.
To enjoy all content, you can
access and register on the website www.eduthink.es,
which will be published in a few weeks.
To learn more about this and
previous events: www.icot2015.com and http://thinkingconference.org.
On twitter you can find many
contents through the account @icot2015eduthink_es and under the hashtag #
Next conference: Miami, Florida
(USA) in 2017.
Josep Manuel Prats
EPA Vice President
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