Role of Parents in Guiding their Children towards the Most Suitable Personal Careers
European Parents’ Association held its annual conference on 24/25 November 2017
in the Tallinn School of Service under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the European Union and as part of the second European Vocational Skills Week on career guidance and suitable individual learning pathways for today’s
children, with special focus on counterbalancing the bias towards university
education (by the media, education policy and consequently very often by
parents, too). The representatives of parents’ associations and students, VET
providers, career guidance services and school heads participating at the
conference looked at ways of home-school cooperation in career guidance,
transversal skills for well-being, future life success and lifelong learning
with special focus on entrepreneurship, and the role of parents and parents’
associations to improve the image of vocational secondary education and
non-university tertiary education to help people understand that for most
people it has always been and will always be a first and best choice. Bellow
you will find a detailed report of the conference with download links for
presentations and related documents.