
Entrepreneurship in the Focus

The first European Entrepreneurship Summit was held on 11-12 July in Brussels. Organised under the umbrella of the EE-HUB, the event gathered academics and experts in entrepreneurship education, policy-makers and government officials, educators, business and NGOs representatives. On the occasion of the Summit, Martine Reicherts, Director General for Education, Culture and Youth shared her vision of education systems that prepare today’s children for tomorrow. For such a system, according to her, we need to start redesigning and reorganising education from scratch and transversal skills, such as entrepreneurial skills must be in the focus of curricula of such education systems.


40 years of INGOs at the Council of Europe

The Summer session of the Conference of INGOs was the occasion to look back 40 years to the first meeting of the Conference of INGOs and to reflect on the progress made over the years. 


“The Whole-Person Approach” . Report on the 6th FEAD Network Meeting

The meeting was held in Brussels on 19 June 2017, EPA was represented by Herminio Correa, EPA Ambassador

According to Amartja Sen’s theory, poverty is to be seen as deprivation of capabilities. Functionings are states of ‘being and doing’ such as being well-nourished or having shelter. Capabilities are the set of valuable functionings the person has access to. People do not just need resources, they also need to be able to use them in order to conduct the kind of life they consider valuable.

The whole-person approach has been put into practice to address the causes and consequences on health and wellbeing of specific forms of material deprivation, such as food insecurity or homelessness. While mental health issues are not present in all cases of poverty, some interesting associations can be found in the literature.


Learning to Live Together: A Shared Commitment to Democracy - Report

Conference on the Future of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe - 
Strasburg, 20-22 June 2017

300 representatives of public authorities, education professionals and non-governmental organizations from 45 European countries met for a 3-days Conference at the Council of Europe (CoE) in Strasbourg, to analyse the Report on the State of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe key conclusions and to renew their commitment to the charter implementation to further enhance education for democratic citizenship and human rights, and to use the Report highlights to propose Key actions for the next phase of this effort.
EPA was represented by Herminio Correa, EPA Ambassador to the CoE at all the planning sessions and at the following workshops.