One of the main EPA policy documents highlighting the issues European parents are facing is the Leave of Absence manifesto, dating back to 2009. In this document there are two areas covered in relation to reconciling work and family life, namely
- on the one hand demanding legal structures and resources guaranteeing that parents can fulfil their parental duties even if they fall to regular working hours,
- on the other hand demanding for skills and competences learnt during parenting to be acknowledged and recognised for employability.
Bearing this in mind EPA was an active participant of
the Alliance for Reconciling Work and Family life headed by Coface in 2014.
Unfortunately the Reconciliation Package compiled by Coface is lacking these
main areas and as a whole does not clearly reflect our view on reconciliation.
For this reason EPA, together with Eurochild, decided not to support the
package. As we put a lot of effort in the work of the Alliance and we find this
topic very important, we would like to share our ideas on the most urgent
reconciliation topics for parents.
The following issues are covering early childhood as a
major concern for the EU, but also schooling age (on average 5-18-year-olds), a
much longer period in the life of children and their parents. The approach to
education is holistic from providing training and support for would-be parents to
be successful educators from birth, throughout early childhood and compulsory
schooling age, parents and families being successful co-educators with
professional service providers and teachers to the successful use of skills acquired throughout this process on the labour market.
Policies and measures that are aiming at reconciling work and family life should be at the heart of Europe’s recovery from
crisis. Parents’ access to work is an important part of the solution of getting
children out of poverty and social exclusion, but jobs alone are not enough. It
is also very important to have a rights-based approach to reconciliation as a
whole and measures taken allowing real free choice.
Measures are needed
- to ensure that jobs are sufficiently paid to give families adequate income,
- to support working parents to be physically and emotionally available for their children – by flexicurity measures, incentives for employers to offer flexible working hours to support parenting, etc.
- to provide quality services throughout the whole of childhood, organized according to the joint wishes and needs of children and parents, that allow parents to work, safe in the knowledge that their children are nurtured and educated by caring professionals and/or peer parents they trust, while there is remuneration and quality assurance of the work of these carers,
- to transform traditional education institutions, schools into autonomous community learning spaces, offering services 0-18-year-olds and everybody else who are lifelong learners in the community, with flexible opening hours, based on the needs of the local stakeholders
- to support parents financially as well as with trainings and counselling (both professional and peer), by offering services and information as well as by encouraging employers to provide adequate working conditions in order to carry out their duties, rights and responsibilities in raising their children
- to support a change of paradigm in the setting of the schoolyear to correspond with holiday schemes of employers – to save families from having to provide for children when working while the children are on holiday, but at the same time avoiding a situation when holiday schemes are catering for the needs of the tourist industry and not that of children and families
- to use school for maximum possible competence building and thus supporting equity and support vulnerable children – including a flexible organisation of work at schools to have climate-adequate schedules and age-adequate activities not to overwhelm children,
- to give families real choice in education from full or partial home-schooling to whole-day school, supported by clearly defined, competence based curricula, developed with stakeholders to support the choice of the family and reflect different needs,
- to support the mobility of families within the EU by harmonisation of basic competence levels throughout the EU
- to train professional educators for training and involving parents and other family members as well as being able to achieve the full potential of the autonomy of institutions at all levels of education
- to develop a validation framework of parenting skills to realise and capitalise on their real value on the job market.
Paying attention to these issues will
ensure that Europe’s recovery is inclusive and puts the best interest of
children at its heart. It is important to underpin early childhood policies
with a recognition of children as rights-holders, as required by the UNCRC. We
view childhood as an important life-phase in its own right, not solely as a
transition to adulthood. In this context, we recognise that education and care
must aim towards children’s holistic development and realisation of their full
It is crucial to invest in training, employment
schemes and parenting support programmes that can raise not only parents’
qualifications and employability but also help build their parenting skills,
their confidence and overall well-being and improve children’s outcomes.
Support for families should be approached in
such a way that it recognises children as social actors outside of the family.
Children have rights on their own and they cannot always be identified with
those of their parents. However all support is to be provided for parents enabling them to
carry out their rights, duties and responsibilities in supporting their
children in exercising their rights. This rights-based approach has been confirmed
in the EC Recommendation Investing in Children.
Most of the the above
topics are covered in policy documents listed below as well as other, more
specific or specialised communications. However the experiences of the Lisbon
strategy has to keep us alert and needs the cooperation of institutions,
governments, social partners, CSOs, professionals and all other relevant
stakeholders to find a way to reach the targets set by these documents.
The fact that
education - early childhood to secondary - is national competence it is the
consideration of the member states what measures they implement and what
education systems they finance as even the annual review of the EU2020 goals in
the European Semester only results in recommendations. While national education
systems are treasured by most member states we also have to consider the effect
of this heterogeneity on mobility of parents as workforce. Not wanting to endanger the
schooling of their children and thus their future is a factor preventing employees in
their most flexible yet experienced ages not to be mobile. Thus thinking about
a compulsory common European framework for education should be part of a European mobility strategy.
Meanwhile the focus of
financial support through Erasmus+, Citizens for Europe, the European Social Fund
and other vehicles should consider and focus on the above as these financial
incentives are the only available means for the EU to have an effect on national systems.
Present legislative framework
The areas of education – pre-school and school –
as well as parenting support have been the competence of member states but a
huge number of recommendations and communications by the European Council, the
European Commission and the European Parliament are available to provide the
framework for a common European policy in this field.
A wide range of reports is available in both
fields commissioned by the EP and the EC analysing the progress on European
level as well as providing country-level analyses of the situation. The involvement and
training of parents has been one of the benchmark indicators of the Quality of
Education – regardless the age of the children - since 2001.
The main topics covered by legislation:
early childhood education and care – required width and quality of
preventing early school leaving – the role of parents, the role of ECEC
and measures to offer education for NEETs
quality of school education
cooperation of schools
supporting families and children with migrant background
the role of family in promoting multilingualism
certification and labour market validation of skills regardless the
place or environment of learning
lifelong learning
Relevant legislation include:
Recommendation (2006) on key
competences for lifelong learning
However there is no recommendation so far that
would encourage employers
to support the involvement of parents and family in a wider context in
the education of their children by suitable working arrangements
to consider parental involvement as part of the lifelong learning
Article 14 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
of the EU (2000/C 364/01) defines education a fundamental right and ensures the
rights of parents in this field.
Articles 5 & 18 of the
UNCRC, part of the legal system of each EU member defines the upbringing of
children the sole right, duty and responsibility of parents and also obliges
the states to offer support to parents including (but not only) establishing
The ET2020 strategic framework of 2009 (2009/C
119/02) contains strategic objectives that are all relevant for finding a balance between professional and family life:
- 3
of the 5 EU2020 headline targets set relevant goals, namely the employment,
education and poverty/social exclusion goals.
Council Conclusions on the role of education and training in the implementation
of the Europe 2020 strategy identify the following:
- measures
taken in the education and training sector will contribute to achieving targets
in other areas
- to
reduce early school leaving needs prevention and compensatory measures,
including better early childhood education, but also individualised support and
stronger cooperation with families and local communities
to achieve the tertiary
education goal incentives are to be introduced to support non-traditional
learners, to promote validation, support schemes and guidance services
According to the EU Council’s Conclusions (2011)
on early childhood education and care and the Barcelona Targets ECEC services
and policies are perceived as beneficial to the development of the children and
society on a multiple level. One specific conclusion is that ‘providing a
quality service and universal access to quality pre-school education has been
identified as one of the preventive policies to combat early school leaving’.
A study commissioned
by the EP states that the key to achieving the EU2020 targets and to carry out
the ET2020 strategy successfully are
- sufficient funding
supporting sustainable impact, with a multi-disciplinary approach with
stakeholder involvement
- the opinion of the
most important stakeholder, namely children/students and parents are to be
taken into consideration when developing school and training systems
Another study for the
EP on the Barcelona Targets Revisited focuses on child care services in two age
groups, 0-2 and 2-compulsory schooling age. It defines early childhood services
as provided by professional or other carers, including family members and
The joint decision
2241/2004/EC of the Council and the EP on a single Community framework for the
transparency of qualifications and competences sets up a framework for the
validation of skills required informally, eg. through parenting practices.
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