On 27
February EPA's president participated at the Voice of Children – from communication
to self-expression - Conference organised by Butterflywise and the Alliance forChildhood. While we had the opportunity to learn a lot about the way
Butterflywise’s education system works, we could also learn a lot from the
introductory speech of Christopher Clouder on how much we can learn from our
children and how important play and playfulness are for their education. Noemi
Paymal, a world-known anthropologist presented her Pedagooogia 3000 initiative
and emphasised the need to change schools nearly fully to meet the needs and
potential of the new generations that is proven to be a next phase in the
evolution of mankind.
Clouder used a lot of literary references from contemporary poets to Schiller, George
Sand, The Little Prince and C.S. Lewis to make his important point to sink in
easier. He was calling the audience’s attention to the importance of joy of
playing, meaning that we play for joy and not for any utilitarian reason.
Modern life endangers playfulness and for many people there is a need to re-learn
the language of play. In many cases parents have difficulties playing with
their children, but it is a dangerous feature. Research shows that serial
killers have no history of play in their lives. A recent
study, The State of Play, Back to Basics based on asking 2000 children
shows that most children lack quality play time with their parents.

Paymal offered a rich scientific basis for her argument that schools have to
change 80-90% of both present method and content to be able to meet the needs
and potential of present-day children. Her Pedagooogia 3000 initiative is
aiming at an education system for personal fulfilment, co-building a new
society and caring for the environment.

In 2013 Noemi wrote a letter to Ministers of Education all over the world (I wonder how many of them have read it and how many of those reading it has started to do something) with a to-do-list for the future. If parents want to be the initiators of change seeing how inappropriate present day school is for today’s children, it is worth being familiar with this.
Briony Vanden Bussche, a parent with non-teaching background, was inspired by Noemi Paymal’s research and initiative when she started the Butterflywise school in Antwerp. She is active in the Alliance for Childhood and decided to co-organise this event to call the attention of wider audiences to the need to rethink education completely. The event was the first in a series but already offered a lot of food for thought.
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