
Council of Europe Conference on the Picture and Professional Ethos of Teachers

EPA was invited to represent the view of parents as stakeholders at this event held on 24-25 April 2014 on a very important topic: what the demands of the 21st century are for teachers to stand up for the challenges of this very complex world to educate the new generations towards a democratic life in a society that is diverse in many ways. EPA was represented by or Vice President, Oren Gostiaux who participated in a round table discussion entitled "What is the perfect teacher for you?"

The conference representatives also discussed a Teacher Manifesto for the 21st Century: Education for Change - Change for Education. The Manifesto is the result of several years of discussions and research triggered by the Ministers of Education of the member states of the Council of Europe. It is closely related to the 2012 Council of Europe Recommendation on Quality Education. The aim of the Manifesto is partly to propose an image and ethos for the teaching professions and all other people having an active role in education - including parents, and partly to support the increase of the level of recognition for teachers in all member states.
You can read the draft of the Manifesto here
A detailed report and recordings of the speeches, including Oren Gostiaux's are available on the CoE website

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