The fourth
edition of the World Forum for Democracy, to take place on 18-20 November 2015,
will focus on the challenges democracies face in addressing security risks
without jeopardising freedom and democratic stability.
For the first time, the Forum will not only showcase already existing initiatives, but also innovative, untested ideas[3] to maintain and develop democracy’s basic principles in times of increasing security threats.
Interested organisations worldwide are invited to express their interest in presenting either an example/initiative or an idea to respond to security threats in a way that preserves the basic principles of democracy such as freedom of expression, public deliberation, and the privacy of citizens, by answering the questionnaire in the appendix and sending it to forum_democracy@coe.int by 15 May 2015. The World Forum Task Force will select the most interesting and relevant proposals in June 2015.
There is a growing sentiment
across democracies worldwide about vulnerability to a diverse range of threats
– from violent extremism to economic, technological, environmental and
geopolitical risks. This acute public awareness – particularly the fear
generated by violent attacks driven by ideology – can accentuate societal
divides, sharpen latent conflicts, and destabilise society. The lack of data
protection guarantees with regard to personal data held by internet companies
is also a major concern. The growing tension between the concern for safety and
the protection of freedoms is one of the key challenges facing democracies
democratic state has the obligation to protect those residing on its territory.
Terrorism and sectarian violence seek to undermine democracy by attacking its
core principles such as freedom of expression and the fundamental values it
rests upon, in particular the right to life. Such threats may require limited
and temporary curtailing of other freedoms such as the respect for privacy
through “exceptional powers” and increased state control.
measures, however necessary they are, address the manifestations of violence
but not its underlying causes. They can present risks for democracy’s
fundamentals and should be treated with extreme caution so as to avoid
permanent and disproportionate curtailing of freedom. Caution is ever more
needed when defining what exceptions to fundamental rights and freedoms are
acceptable in a democracy, since limitations on fundamental freedoms by liberal
democracies may be used as a justification for the repression of peaceful
demonstrations and movements by non-democratic regimes under the clause that
they may constitute a threat to the public order.
institutional and procedural safeguards should be put in place to ensure
democratic oversight over the definition of extreme threats and the reasons
which justify exceptional powers? What kind of foreign policy decisions are
legitimate responses to deal with such threats? How can we ensure that a system
of secret surveillance for the protection of national security will not
undermine or even “destroy democracy under the cloak of defending it”, in the
context of a growing sophistication of communication technology?
exchanges will have as a starting point real-life initiatives and untested,
novel ideas, by public authorities or grassroots actors, which will be
critically examined by an interdisciplinary international panel. General
guiding principles will be then drawn to encourage and support future policy
responses and field action.
and ideas to be presented and assessed at the forum will roughly fall under the
four key categories:
§ How much control kills democracy?
Initiatives and actions under this theme could include international
initiatives for peace and security; introducing
constitutional requirements for public debate and consultation on the
definition of security risks and the “freedom price” for addressing them; public
debate on the legitimate ways of ensuring security key decisions; measures for strengthening
the powers of human right protection institutions and legislative and civil
society oversight over security agencies; safeguards for balancing freedom of
information and freedom of the Internet with security concerns; engagement of
political parties and institutions to cooperate with civil society watchdogs
§ Freedom from fear in a diverse society?
Initiatives under this theme would focus on encouraging active
citizenship, inter-faith dialogue and intercultural dialogue; building a
culture of human rights and fostering the desire for freedom and unity in
diverse societies.
§ Is learning of democratic culture adequate today?
Initiatives under this theme could include, inter alia, promoting
pluralism and critical thinking through education, culture, civic action; and
initiatives which increase the public’s defense against hate speech and extreme
§ Is freedom of expression and information a reality?
Initiatives under this theme could focus on making citizens vigilant
with regard to erosion of freedom; media codes and other self-regulatory
mechanisms to ensure the democratic responsibility of media; platforms to
ensure the safety of journalists[1];
mechanisms to enable safe whistleblowing[2];
actions to increase the public’s media literacy and its resistance to populist
discourse and hate speech; to ensure compliance with data protection rules etc.
presenter for the selected initiatives/ideas will be invited to Strasbourg to
take part in the World Forum. A number of funded places is available. Any
public or private organisation is eligible to apply.
further information about the World Forum for Democracy 2015, please read the concept paper or visit the following websites:
[1] A platform like this was launched by the Council of Europe
[2] For example the platform « Source
sûre » by RTBF, Le Monde, Le Soir and La Libre Belgique.
[3] Please note
that only already implemented initiatives qualify for the democracy innovation
award. Untested ideas will be presented in the labs, but are excluded from the democracy
innovation award competition.
Nice article. Good to see this…
ReplyDeleteGreat suggestions ! I love this blog, but can’t lay there all day everyday :-)
Thank You Very Much for posting this.. :)
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