
19 days of activism for prevention of abuse and violence against children and youth 1-19 November

The Women’s World Summit Foundation launched the “World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse – 19 November” in the year 2000 and in 2012 began extending that initiative into 19 days. The 19 Days of Activism Campaign runs from November 1-19 each year. The goal of the campaign is to increase commitment, activities and education and to mobilize communities around child abuse prevention.
19 Days of Activism is an international campaign that came about because abuse and violence against children and youth continue to be worldwide problems that violate children’s rights and impair their healthy development.  By focusing on the prevention of diverse types of abuse and violence against children and youth, the campaign aims to continue to bring to light the alarming problem, its multifaceted aspects, and the need to generate sufficient interest and government and public support for better prevention measures.
The 19 Days Campaign serves as a reminder to all of us that there is something each of us can do to make a difference in our community to prevent child abuse.  Prevention is key!  It is the most effective way to protect children from abuse and contributes to creating a culture of non-violence.

The 19 Campaign themes:
1. Children involved in armed conflict (2012 main theme) 
2. Sexual abuse
3. Bullying
4. Neglect
5. Child labor
6. Corporal punishment (2011 main theme)
7. Sale of children (2013 main theme)
8. Child prostitution (2013 main theme)
9. Child pornography (2013 main theme)
10. Child trafficking
11. Child sex tourism
12. Harmful traditional practices
13. Street children
14. Discrimination based on health conditions
15. Addiction and substance abuse
16. Malnutrition
17. Dangers of ICTs
18. Abduction
19. Juvenile death penalty

Learn more on the website of the Women's World Summit Foundation's website

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